Sunday, April 28, 2013

Quack, Quack

Marceline spent the weekend at my school! We had a lot of fun-- she got to experience the traditions that my college is known for, and we just had a great time being silly. Here are just a few random photos.

Watching Grease with my suitemates.

 The retro bikes Wal-Mart sales that I want! If I knew how to ride a bike, cough. I want the yellow and Marcie wants the white/blue one.

Awkward bathroom shot.

One of my suitemates and our duck stuff ♥

Carrot cake at Sunday brunch ♥

Marcie had some capri's she wanted me to make into shorts, and this is what was created!

There this abandoned elementry school around the corner from my college. It was built in 1923! I wish we were allowed to go inside; it looked so creepy/interesting from outside. This hall had these fancy "chandeliers," that I didn't get into this photo. :c
I wonder if there are any little ghosts lurking around? 

Ended Sunday with some McDonald's ♥

And a short clip of us driving to Wal-Mart to get some ribbon for Marcie's shorts while listneing to K-Pop music. 

See you later ♥

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