Monday, November 12, 2012

Texts part 3

I tolerate no one's sass.

Marceline needs to start posting here too.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Googooli means cute

I like to make little plush dolls, and this one of them. It can totally be yours and you should buy it because 1) It's Princess Bubblegum 2) It's soft and cute 3) It's cheap plus you can get 15% off it 4) I'm a college student on a budget so every penny counts 5) Please, I mean, look at it.

Monday, November 5, 2012

As of Right Now (Updated 12/12)

1) Dress up/half cosplay (to some degree) as Marceline and Princess Bubblegum and go out in public till we get tired of people. (Optional video tapping of us being strange.)

2) Attend First Fridays

3) Do some "best friend questionnaire video thing" and post it on youtube (maybe). √

4) Move to New York and be hipsters with a satisfying life and jobs and boy toys on the side.

5) Attend ComicCon

6) Go to Disneyland

Image from Cybertsundere.
Adventure Time - Princess Bubblegum