Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Naka-kon Adventures!

Okay! I'm finally getting to post some pictures from Naka-kon~ These aren't all of them (I have more on my phone) but until I learn how to post them from my phone to here, you'll just have to deal with this~ Anyway, on to the show!

Heather, from Silent Hill 3

Our Ciel on the far left, along with another Ciel and their Sebastian
(From Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler)

Our Ciel's with Princess Peach and Princess Daisy


With another Ciel~

Black Cat! (Marvel Character)

Anastasia Romanov


Kyary outfit from her video PonPonPon

I can't remember who he is...from V for Vendetta

(Most of) the Inuyasha Gang

Ciel and Sebastian again

Ramona Flowers (Scott Pilgrim)

Our Ciel's, Hannah, Alois, and Tracey (I think that's his name)
(Kuroshitsuji Season 2)

Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask

Our Ciel and Kakashi~

Weeping Angel! (Dr.Who)

Alice Lidell (Alice; Madness Returns)

Fem!Thor and Fem!Loki

THE RIDDLER (and some other person)
(DC Comics)

Princess Belle

Lolita Marceline and Ice Queen
(Adventure Time)

Ezio Auditore (Assassin's Creed)

Our Ciel's with a Grell~

Quail Man!

That weird character from the game Flow

Asuna (from some anime I don't know)

A very cute lolita girl

Ronald Knox (Kuroshitsuji)

Me smiling awkwardly with a Grell (please ignore my face ;A;)

(The Brave Little Toaster)

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Adventure Time - Princess Bubblegum