Thursday, March 14, 2013

Out in the streets

Marceline and I did a quick adventuring today to look for some petticoats to go with our lolita outfits this weekend c: I didn't take too many photos (read: like 4) , but the ones we'll take this weekend will make up for it.

We ended up trolling around Westport, which is the hipster-y side of town that I adore. It was early, so there was hardly anyone out.

I spotted a wild Clairaudients.

Clairaudients is this really rad local band which you all should totally check out. (I'm not just saying that; their music is actually great.) We found two of their stickers placed around town--maybe we'll spot some more next time!

I couldn't have taken a more off-centered photo.

I'm not much of a bike rider but I kind of want this *o*. 
Before going to the vintage store we decided to stop by Tea Drops. It's been forever since I've been there, and I adore their bubble tea ♥

We both ordered iced chocolate bubble milk.

Also, look at the cool stickers Marcie got me! (They're actually a super late Christmas gift, ha.) I am in awe.

That's all for now. We both still need to get ready for tomorrow (we're going to an anime convention!). Marcie hasn't packed yet, and I still need to buy/decorate a mask for the ball there. Sigh. :s

Till next time.

- Bubblegum

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Adventure Time - Princess Bubblegum